Welcome to Nation Shakers I.T


We supply Asus, Dell, HP and Proline laptops directly from the source. Shop now and only pay for item you want at dealer prices.

If you purchasing any 2 or more items, your first payment is needed to secure and dispatch it from our warehouse. Then pay for your delivery separately as it might change depending on your order.

Things are selling out fast and prices change in an instant. Contact us before making payment so we can reserve your product and price at our warehouse. Reservations will only be kept for 2 days.


The range of monitors we supply are Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, LG. We do our very best to give you the best deal.

Remember secure your items first by paying for it. The delivery fee will be determined later based on your order and when it has arrived at our shipping depot. Pay for your delivery separately.

Things are selling out fast and prices change in an instant. Contact us before making payment so we can reserve your product and price at our warehouse. Reservations will only be kept for 2 days.


Our range of storage options are geared for corporate and the the every day user. Shop now to see our explosive offers we have on HDD’s, SSD’s and even portable drives.

If you purchasing 2 or more items, your first payment is needed to secure and dispatch it from our warehouse. Then pay for your delivery separately as it might change depending on your order.

Things are selling out fast and prices change in an instant. Contact us before making payment so we can reserve your product and price at our warehouse. Reservations will only be kept for 2 days.

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Nation Shakers IT​

We offer one of the most comprehensive, affordably-priced service and maintenance IT support plans in the IT industry. With all your IT support needs, you’ll get the exact level of support you need, whether it’s supplementing your current, in-house support staff or taking full control of administering and managing your entire network. We offer a customer service that is unparalleled.

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